Thursday, October 7, 2010

Passing a Blackwood response at the six level

Board 24         
Dlr West 
None Vul 

   ♠ AKJ72     
♥ J7   
   ♦ AK             
   ♣ QT97   

♠ QT8         ♠ 63             
♥ 9864        ♥ T3  
♦ 872         ♦ T9643  
♣ 853         ♣ K642  

   ♠ 954  
   ♥ AKQ52  
   ♦ QJ5  
   ♣ AJ
West North East  South Pass 1♠    Pass  3♥ Pass 3♠    Pass  4♠ Pass 4NT   Pass  5♥ Pass 5NT   Pass  6♥ all Pass

Doug and I had an unusual auction on this deal from round six. 3♥ was natural and strong, old-fashioned. 3♠ was non-committal, leaving partner room to describe his hand. 4♠ was natural and denied shortness. 5♥ showed two key cards without the spade queen. I was looking for seven, even after I found we were off the queen of trump. 5N ostensibly promised all the key cards and asked for specific kings. After I learned we were off the club king I took stock again. Doug had to hold pretty much what he did hold, perhaps without one of the minor suit jacks. I saw that 6♠ might go down on a bad trump break, so I passed. Doug was surprised, but not so surprised that he didn't take all 13 tricks with the aid of the club hook.

I also considered 6N. 6♥ seemed a little more secure in that we could set up the 5th spade on some layouts, but it did risk a 5-1 trump break.

At the other table our opponents unaccountably stopped short of slam with their 35 HCP, so we picked up 11 IMPs.

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